Scores |
J. Paetz: Evolving Score Neural Networks, Proc. of the 1st Indian Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI 2003), Hyderabad, India see also: An Alarm System for Death Prediction Java code for computing the score
(Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment)
Literatur:The SOFA score to describe organ dyfunction/failure, Vincent et al, Intensive Care Med (1996) 22:707-710
(Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
Literatur: Knaus, W.A., et al: Crit. Care ed. 13(1985) 818-829
SAPS II (Simplified Acute Physiology Score)
26 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
9 |
7 |
6 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
12 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
Alter |
<40 |
40-59 |
60-69 |
70-74 |
75-79 |
>=80 |
Herzfrequenz |
<40 |
40-69 |
70-119 |
120-159 |
>=160 |
Blutdruck,systolisch (mmHg) |
<70 |
70-99 |
100-199 |
>=200 |
Temperatur (C) |
<39 |
>=39 |
Sauerstoff-partialdruck (mmHg) |
<100 |
100-199 |
>=200 |
Urin (ml pro Tag) |
<500 |
500-999 |
>=1000 |
Harnstoff |
<28 |
28-83 |
>=84 |
Leukozyten |
<1.0 |
1.0-19.9 |
>=20 |
Kalium |
<3.0 |
3.0-4.9 |
>=5.0 |
Natrium |
<125 |
125-144 |
>=145 |
Bicarbonate |
<15 |
15-19 |
>=20 |
Bilirubin |
<4.0 |
4.0-5.9 |
>=6.0 |
Glasgow Coma Score |
<6 |
6-8 |
9-10 |
11-13 |
14-15 |
Chronische Krankheiten |
Ca, Meta-stase |
malig. Blut-krank-heit |
Grund der Aufnahme |
geplante OP |
med. |
nicht geplante OP |
Literatur: Le Gall et al., A New Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) Based on a European/North American Multicenter Study, JAMA December 22/29, 1993-Vol 270, No.24
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score
(Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System)
Literatur: Miranda et al, Simplified Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System, The TISS-28 items - Results from a multicenter study, Crit Care Med 1996 Vol.24 No.1 |
Anmerkungen: PO2 / FiO2: ohne Referenz der Benutzung von mechanischer Ventilation und PEEP Niere: Ohne Referenz von Dialyse Herz: PAR (pressure-adjusted heart rate) = RAP (right atrial pressure) / MAP (mean arterial pressure)